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  • WITW Maintenance

The Trip

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

Let’s Talk About.. The Trip!

Now I’m talking about the TRIP, no not the quick way down the stairs, or even the wild adventure you had one night in the 70’s after you ate some questionable brownies. I’m talking about the big trip on your trusty steed! I know you’re thinking Scout what are you talking about!? We all know how to have an adventure!? Never fear I am here to explain it to you!

Now for those of you in attendance and who could manage to drag yourselves to the symposium before the meeting this is just going to be a recap, BUT if you missed it here’s the scoop! The symposium topic was The Big Trip: Out and about with Scout, Sprout and Cat… and we basically went over maintenance, safety and group dynamics of traveling in a group on a multi-day trip. Travelling with a group can be a great adventure or an event you never want to repeat.. It all depends on how you prepare and also how well you can adjust on the fly. I’m going to discuss the maintenance issues that need to be addressed before the ride.

So, before the ride (well BEFORE the trip) make sure that all your routine maintenance is done. Schedule an oil change, or better yet, learn to do it yourself! You should have your oil changed every 5000 miles if running traditional oil, or 5000-7000 if running a fully synthetic oil. When is the last time you had all your fluids changed? Your brake fluid should be flushed at least every 2 years, Brake fluid is hygroscopic, which means, it attracts moisture from the air. As water gets into the fluid it turns to steam when the fluid heats up, and air is harder to compress than liquid, this makes your brakes less effective! The recommended interval for your primary and transmission is around 10,000 miles but this will also largely depend on your normal environment. If you live in a hot or dusty environment you might want to do it more often due to oil breakdown and contamination.

Speaking of dirty dusty things… When is the last time you replaced or cleaned your air filter? Most air filters can be cleaned and rinsed a couple times before you have to replace them. A simple cleaning in a degreaser or dish soap and a thorough rinse, followed by an air dry will do wonders for your gas mileage. A clogged air filter chokes your engine and will make it run hot and/or poorly depending on how bad its clogged. How do your tires look? Are they getting a bit thin? Can you see cords showing through? Take a good look at them don’t just rely on how many miles they have on them. If I’m going on a multi week trip and my tires are close but not quite there I’ll plan on having a service day some-where along the way to replace them. Just know that the closer they are to being worn out the quicker it seems that they go!

Next check all the lights and blinkers, and actually walk around your bike while checking these. How else are you going to know if your turn signals are actually working properly? If you have someone who can help, have them watch your brake lights as you apply them to make sure both front and back brakes are activating the brake light. If you don’t have help, back up to a wall so you can see the reflection. You may also want to inspect your fuse box, pull the fuses and make sure they all look good, are they old or corroded? If they are even slightly questionable replace them! They are super cheap, but a major pain, if you have to do it on the road. I also recommend carrying extra fuses with you, there is nothing worse than realizing you blew your brake light and now no one knows you’re trying to stop!

Lastly I would recommend just taking a walk around your bike while it’s running. Do you hear anything rattling, does anything look loose? Hopefully these steps will help you have an awesome adventure that makes forever memories with your travelling companions!

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